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Introduction of Haruki OMURA He was born in April, 1939 in Tokyo. The World War II was so hard in Tokyo area in 1945 that his family moved to the rural area in Shizuoka prefecture for safety and he grew up there upto 20 years old. He engaged in the overseas telecommunication systems as an engineer and he was obliged to stay at Geneva in Switzerland for 4 years and at New York for 4 years during his carrier. While he stayed in those cities he took chances to visit lots of art museum here and there. After he retired he has begun to draw oil-paintings earnestly. He is belonging to the "Saint-Aube Club" that was used to be lead by Mr Saburo NAKAYAMA, ex-Executive of the "Nika-Art Association" for more than 10 years. He held his own Self-Exhibition so far for two times. |
作者紹介 大村春樹は1939年東京世田谷代田生まれ、専門は電子工学、国際通信の世界で活躍し、スイスのジュネーブに4年、アメリカのニューヨークで4年の海外生活も経験しました。 その間、世界各地の美術館で古今の名作画を見る機会を得るにつけ、小さい頃から好きであった描画にのめり込み、二科会の重鎮であった故中山三郎氏などの良き指導者からの指導もあって自分の世界を構築しています。 |
His Intended World He is always trying to draw paintings for intending to make happy any person to view his art-works. However it is not necessarily to convey the artist's intention to others who view artist' works. Sometime the artist may fail to draw his intention on his paintings and sometime viewers can not recognize the intention of the artsit. Haruki OMURA is expecting any opinions or something that viewers might feel on viewing his art-works and he may be happy to improve his way of paintings in the future by taking account of those precious something as results. |
大村春樹の絵の世界 大村春樹は、彼の絵を見る方たちに癒しを感じていただけることを目指しています。 絵は、描く側の作家の意図が、見る側に上手く伝わるとは限りません。 描く側が意図を 上手く描けていない場合もあるでしょうし、見る側がそれに気付かないこともあるでしょう。 このサイトで大村春樹の絵を見て、忌憚のないご意見を頂きたいと思います。 そしてその 結果、作家である大村春樹の絵がさらに成長できれば作家冥利に尽きると考えます。 |
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